
博士申请 | 爱丁堡大学何凤翔老师招收机器学习方向全奖博士/实习生/访问学生

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The University of Edinburgh is constantly ranked among the world’s top universities and is a highly international environment with several centres of excellence.The School of Informatics is one of the largest in Europe and currently the top Informatics institute in the UK for research power. The School is exceptionally strong in the area of AI and Theoretical Computer Science, hosting one of the largest groups for AI and Foundations of Computer Science in the world. The successful applicant will be part of the Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Institute and will have the opportunity to interact with the other members of the group and more widely within the School of Informatics.


Dr Fengxiang He is a Lecturer at Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Institute, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, and an Affiliate of Edinburgh's Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation, Edinburgh Future Institute, and Edinburgh Centre for Financial Innovations. He received his BSc in statistics from the University of Science and Technology of China, MPhil and PhD in computer science from the University of Sydney. His research interest is in trustworthy AI, particularly deep learning theory and explainability, theory of decentralised learning, privacy in machine learning, symmetry in machine learning, learning theory in game-theoretical problems, and their applications in economics. He is an Area Chair of ICML, NeurIPS, UAI, AISTATS, and ACML, and an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society.




Fully funded, full-time PhD positions to work in the field of machine learning, with emphasis on deep learning theory, privacy in machine learning, theory of decentralised learning, symmetry in machine learning, and learning theory in economics, with Dr Fengxiang He at the Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Institute, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.


1. A good Bachelor’s degree (First Class Honours or international equivalent) and/or Master’s degree in a relevant subject (mathematics, statistics, economics, or related subject).

2. A strong mathematical background, with an emphasis on analysis, algebra, geometry, differential equation, probability, and statistics. Recipients of mathematics competition medals are highly desirable.

3. Proficiency in English (both oral and written).

4. Relevant research experiences in machine learning, statistics, etc. are desirable but not necessary.

5. Programming skills in Python, PyTorch, TensorFlow, etc. are a plus but not necessary.


Applicants are highly encouraged to contact Dr Fengxiang He (F.He@ed.ac.uk) to discuss your case. Visiting Scholar/Intern positions are also possible. Please contact Dr He if you are interested.


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新加坡科技设计大学段凌杰教授南洋理工大学Wei Dong老师德州大学达拉斯分校陈至玉老师香港科技大学(广州)许人镜老师北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校丁明宇老师华南理工大学马宏军教授香港城市大学(东莞)黄志安老师南京大学PCA Lab康考迪亚大学张耕瑞老师布里斯托大学视觉信息实验室清华大学信息国家研究中心伦敦国王学院杜雅丽教授香港大学俞益洲教授香港科技大学韩俊老师中关村实验室陈力副研究员香港科技大学韩俊老师北京大学崔斌教授西北大学Manling Li老师西湖大学LINs Lab浙江大学王海帅老师普渡大学苗旭鹏老师大湾区大学孙庆强老师北京大学黄松芳老师澳门大学郑哲东教授

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